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A Bulletproof New Year (The Holiday Collection Book 2) Page 9
A Bulletproof New Year (The Holiday Collection Book 2) Read online
Page 9
Sitting at the dining room table at his parent’s home held the usual chaos of cross-conversations, happy laughter, and praise over his mother’s homemade ravioli and braciola. Once Brandon was surrounded by his large family and his bandmates, it was easier than expected to hide his melancholy about the surrogacy, but it was still tucked away in his heart. As he looked at the people he loved most in the world, he was suddenly overcome with the warmth of love and family. He envisioned the day that he and Cam were hosting a grand meal like this one, surrounded by kids and grandkids and lifelong friends. His heart was filled with so much longing that he unexpectedly blurted out, “Me and Cam are going to start a family.”
The boisterous room quieted, stunned at the announcement. Congratulations were quickly offered around the table by everyone in Brandon’s family, but it was his bandmates that had the most emotional reaction. Specifically, Derek MacAlister, Bulletproof’s lead guitarist and Brandon’s best friend, who was so shocked that he stopped stuffing his face with ravioli.
Derek wore a wrinkled smile. “A pint-size rock star? That’s really cool, bruh.” He cuddled closely with Travis Fontana, and they shared a few private whispers and intimate smiles. The two newlyweds were still riding the wave of wedded bliss, having tied the knot less than six months ago, and their reactions left Brandon wondering when Derek and Travis were going to start a family. It would be really cool for their kids to grow up together and become lifelong friends the way they had.
Jeremy Kagan and Alan Delgado, Bulletproof’s bass player and drummer, clasped hands and got all doe-eyed. “Congratulations, you guys,” Jeremy said. “Are you adopting?”
There was dead silence while everyone waited for a response. Brandon watched Cam’s gaze drop to his plate, but Brandon sat a little taller. He turned toward his youngest sister as he grabbed Cam’s hand under the table. “Lisa, will you be our surrogate?”
“What?” Lisa stared back, eyes wide with shock at the personal question.
Brandon knew he was going to ask her, but he hadn’t planned on blurting out the question in front of everyone, and he silently berated himself for putting her on the spot. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drop it on you like that. I’m just so over the top about this baby. There’s a long waitlist for a surrogate.” He didn’t know what else to say, so he lowered his gaze and shook his head. “I don’t know what else to do.”
When she didn’t respond, he quickly realized that her answer was no, and his heart plummeted to the floor. “It’s OK. I shouldn’t have asked.” Cam squeezed Brandon’s hand and nodded once, which meant that everything was going to be OK. They’d just have to wait.
When they got home later that night, they were greeted by a bouncing black Lab who wouldn’t stand still for more than a few seconds. Every time Cam tried to pet her, she ran in circles. It made Cam roll with laughter, and Brandon chuckled at her antics. This dog knew how to put a smile on everyone’s face, and the heaviness that had been weighing on Brandon’s chest since dinner, now felt a little lighter.
After giving Brandy a few treats and letting her out to potty, the three of them headed upstairs. Brandon pulled his T-shirt over his head, tossed it onto the dresser, and finally brought up the elephant in the room. “That was some bomb I dropped at the dinner table, huh?”
Cam shut the bedroom door, leaving Brandy in the long foyer, and marched toward Brandon, eyes hooded and locked on their target. “My guy doesn’t play games. He asks the hard questions.”
Cam backed him against the dresser, knocking over a photo frame. Brandon gulped, unprepared for Cam’s advances. The uneasy tension gnawing at him quickly turned into lust for the incredible man in front of him. They were nose to nose, an inch apart, and he could feel Cam’s hot breath on his lips. He slipped his fingers into the belt loops of Cam’s jeans and tugged their hips together, so their erections collided like steel.
Hot lips landed on Brandon’s, making his entire body tingle. The commanding kiss and tight grip Cam had on Brandon’s jaw made him want to push back with everything he had. He took Cam by the shoulders and backed him against the wall. He pinned Cam’s wrists above his head in an instant and kissed him roughly. Their combined razor stubble scraped together with a beautiful burn, making Brandon pant heavily.
The doorbell chimed and Brandon let out a deep growl, frustrated that his bandmates always stopped by at the most inopportune times. The guys had wanted to go out after they left his parents’ house, but he had just wanted to go home.
Cam’s lips curled under their kiss. “Some things never change. Answer it and then get rid of them.” Seductively unbuttoning his shirt, Cam never broke eye contact. “I’ll be waiting. In bed.”
Another growl left Brandon’s throat when the doorbell chimed again. “Can’t a guy get fucking laid around here?” he yelled, as he bounded down the stairs. “Bad timing,” he said as he swung open the heavy door, but it wasn’t his bandmates. It was his sister, Lisa. “What are you doing here? Is everything all right?”
She marched into the entry foyer and spun around, hands braced on her hips. “We need to talk.”
He sighed as he closed the door, knowing she wanted to explain her reasoning for turning down the surrogacy. But there was no need. He understood. “It’s fine. I appreciate that you came all the way over here, but it’s not a big deal. Besides . . .” He gave her a crooked smile. “This isn’t the best time. Cam’s waiting for me upstairs.”
Her cheeks flushed hot pink, but she never averted her eyes. “I don’t care. Tell him to get down here. He needs to hear this too.”
Brandon let out a breath at his sister’s bossy attitude. “It’s really not necessary.”
She stared at him, brows raised high on her forehead. “I’ll go upstairs and get him myself if I have to.”
He sighed, finally gave in, and trotted up the stairs two at a time. He found Cam sitting on the bed completely naked and froze, mid-stride. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Cam’s lean, muscled body was fully on display. His back was against the leather headboard, and his fingers were laced behind his head, showcasing his round biceps. His batwing lats tapered down to his slender waist, and his long legs, well-toned from running, were sprawled out in front of him. They were open wide, and his erection stood sky high. “Did you get rid of the guys?” he asked, casually.
Fuuuck. Brandon gulped. “No. It’s Lisa.”
Cam automatically closed his legs. “Your sister?”
“I told her we didn’t need to have a conversation about the surrogacy issue, but she wants to talk about it. Let’s just listen to what she has to say so she can leave.” His gaze raked over Cam’s naked body, and he licked his lips. “Then we can get back to what we started.”
“What a way to kill the moment,” Cam complained, as he threw on a pair of sweats and pulled a T-shirt over his head.
When they got downstairs, Lisa was at the kitchen island working the cork on a champagne bottle like a pro. “To my favorite couple and their expanding family,” she said, filling three glasses.
Brandon and Cam both hesitated and exchanged puzzled glances. When neither reached for their drink, Lisa picked up the glasses and handed one to each of them. They clinked their flutes together and sipped the champagne, not really in a celebratory mood.
“Lisa,” Brandon began. “Thanks, but this is a little premature. There’s a long—”
“Nonsense.” She cut him off. Poised and confident, she continued to sip her champagne, then gently set the glass down. “I can’t tell you how shocked I was when you asked me to be your surrogate. No one expects to hear a question like that. Especially at dinner in front of a dozen people. My first reaction was, there’s no way in hell I’m getting pregnant with my brother’s baby.”
Brandon choked on his champagne. “Don’t say it like that.”
“That’s exactly how it sounded.” She exhaled, and her shoulders fell. “Then I saw your face, and I felt awful. The disappointment. The despair. I’ve
never seen you so sad. It got to me. I’m so sorry, Brandon. I should have said something instead of just sitting there like an idiot.”
Brandon shook his head. “Don’t feel that way. I never should have asked to begin with. It’s too much.”
“You’re my big brother. You can ask me anything. Nothing is ever too much to ask from family.”
He hugged her, his heart lighter. “Thanks. I appreciate that you came all the way over here to make me feel better.”
Cam touched her shoulder. “It’s OK. We understand.”
“Are you sure surrogacy is the right choice?” she asked. “What if she doesn’t want to give up the baby?”
“It’s our baby,” Cam explained. “The surrogate has no parental rights. We’re using donor eggs. She’s not the biological mother. There’s a contract. It’s all very legal.”
Lisa paused and looked at the both of them. “But what if she gets attached to the baby and runs off at the last minute before the baby is born?”
The thought never occurred to Brandon, and he felt queasy at the possibility of someone kidnapping his child. Granted, the chances of that happening were probably very slim, but it wasn’t inconceivable. He’d never be able to live with it, or forgive himself, if his child was somewhere out there in the world living without him. He was getting physically ill just thinking about it.
Maybe adoption was the better choice, like Lisa was insinuating. But he didn’t want to adopt. He wanted a baby with Cam’s chocolate brown eyes and intelligence. Or, maybe, if he was the biological father, a baby who inherited his singing ability and love for music. But using a surrogate also meant waiting, maybe as long as a year. Or more. They’d waited to start a family until the time was right. Now that it was finally here, there was no one to birth a baby for them. He took a step closer and wrapped an arm over Cam’s shoulder. “Do you want to rethink adoption? The woman at the agency said we could get a newborn in a couple of months.”
A quivering smile appeared on Cam’s lips. “Maybe we should.” He ran his fingers through Brandon’s hair and rested his hand on Brandon’s cheek. “I’d love to have a little boy or girl with your beautiful blond hair and incredible blue eyes, but I don’t want to wait. Maybe we can adopt now and take the time to thoroughly vet a surrogate for our next baby.”
Every muscle in Brandon’s body relaxed, and he pulled Cam into a hug. This solution, when there wasn’t one only a moment ago, filled him with happiness because it would grace them with two babies within a few short years.
Lisa let out a deep breath and threw her hands up. “All right! That’s enough! I’ll do it!”
Brandon abruptly pulled away from Cam and turned toward Lisa. “What?”
“That’s what I came here to tell you. I can’t let someone else be your surrogate.”
Brandon was ready to collapse at the offer, and his heart almost burst. “Are you sure? Maybe you should think about it for a couple of days.”
“I’ve been thinking about it all night. It’s the least I could do for my big brother and his husband.” She nodded, adamantly. “I want to be your surrogate.”
Once Lisa met with the fertility specialist, everything seemed to happen at warp speed. Implantation took place two weeks ago, and they were ready to find out if it resulted in a successful pregnancy.
They waited together in the doctor’s office, hands joined together, as they sat in the trio of chairs that faced the clinical plain white desk. File folders were stacked on each corner, and Brandon could see the backs of photo frames. He imagined they contained the smiling faces of the doctor’s husband and kids. Maybe even a dog. One day, the same array of photos would sit on Cam’s desk, and it sent Brandon’s heart galloping.
“I’m so nervous.” Lisa squeezed his hand tighter and pulled it toward her. She shut her eyes and tilted her face upwards. “Please, God, let me be pregnant so I can help my brother and Cam. They have so much love to give and will make wonderful fathers. They deserve this.”
Brandon felt the corner of his mouth twitch and swallowed hard. He said his own silent prayer before kissing his sister’s cheek. “Thank you, Lisa. For everything. Whatever happens today, I want you to know how much we appreciate what you’ve done for us. I know it wasn’t an easy decision for you.”
“But it was,” she reassured. “I was just blindsided by the question at first. As soon as I let myself think about it, I knew I had to be your surrogate. I wouldn’t trust a stranger with your baby, Brandon. It’s my niece or nephew.”
He loved her at that moment more than ever and knelt next to her chair to hug her. Cam’s arms circled the both of them and the three held onto one another, until the door to the doctor’s office opened.
Brandon’s heart leapt into his throat, and both he and Cam shot to their feet.
“Please take a seat. I have the results right here.” The doctor held up a manilla folder. “Let’s read them together.”
Cam’s smiling eyes met Brandon’s when they returned to their chairs, and he whispered, “I have a good feeling about this.”
They all rejoined hands and waited. Every movement the doctor made seemed as if they were happening in slow motion. She retrieved her glasses from her pocket and placed them on her face. She pulled her chair closer to the desk and repositioned herself. She opened the file folder to expose a single white sheet of paper, and she looked down at it. She shifted in her chair again as she silently read the words that would change Brandon and Cam’s lives. The corners of her mouth slowly curled up, and she said, “The pregnancy test is positive. Congratulations. You’re going to be parents.”
Brandon let out a breath he wasn’t aware he’d been holding, and he blinked several times as he absorbed the news. He heard Cam and Lisa’s voices, loud with celebration, but he was still in his chair staring at the doctor.
“Are you all right, Mr. Bullet?” she asked, with a warm smile.
“Hey. Bran. You OK?”
It was Cam, cupping Brandon’s face between his palms, and the news finally registered. Lisa was pregnant. They were going to be parents. He grabbed hold of Cam’s wrists and smiled wider than he had in his life. “I can’t believe it, Cam. This is really happening. We’re having a baby!”
“Yes!” Happy laughter flew from Cam’s mouth. “We are!”
Brandon jumped to his feet, threw his head back, and let out his signature scream, which shook the room and caused everyone to jump with surprise. The first thing he did was hug Lisa and kiss her cheek, then he turned to his husband. “I love you, Cam. You’re going to make the best daddy.”
“No. You are.”
As they shared a kiss, Brandon’s future played out in his head, and it was absolutely perfect.
Felix Osborne, Bulletproof’s anal-retentive and neurotic manager, called one of his infamous meetings to go over the upcoming tour and redefine next year’s plans now that there was a baby on the way. He stood at a podium – a literal podium – in his office with a long pointer directed at a spreadsheet of tour dates projected on a screen next to him.
Derek snickered under his hand and leaned toward Brandon. “Next we’ll be in an auditorium with a movie screen.”
Brandon slouched down and dipped his head, so most of his face was hidden behind his long hair in order to hide his smile, but nothing got by Felix. The guy was losing his shit, because he didn’t like a monkey wrench thrown into his perfectly structured life. And Bulletproof was his life.
“Brandon,” Felix snapped. “Considering this directly affects your baby, I expect you, of all people, to take this seriously.”
Brandon broadened his chest. “I am taking this seriously. I understand the band has to reschedule tour dates next year so I can be home with the baby for the first three months, but you got to ease up a little. People have babies every day, and their lives still go on.”
“Yes. However, most people aren’t Brandon Bullet. Bulletproof is one of the hardest working bands in America. All of you have been on tour for
the better part of the year, every year, for a decade.” Felix abruptly stopped talking and stared past everyone at the back wall. His expression went blank, as if in deep thought, then his brows pinched together.
“Uh-oh,” Jeremy said, under his breath. “He’s ready to blow.”
“The shit’s about to hit the fan,” Alan warned.
With the press of a button the video screen went dark, and Felix dropped that damn pointer onto the podium. “You know what?”
They all loved to fuck with Felix, but they knew better than to make a smart-ass reply when he took that tone of voice.
An unexpected smile spread across Felix’s face. “Maybe it’s about time Bulletproof takes a break from touring. You went on your first tour when you were only 19 years old, and you’ve never had a break. Brandon is going to be a father. Derek just got married. Alan and Jeremy are getting married next year. I honestly never envisioned the day that the four of you would become responsible adults.” He sighed and raised his eyes up to the ceiling. “It feels like just yesterday you were throwing one wild sex-filled party after the other, drowning in drugs and alcohol, and trashing penthouse suites to the tune of 30 grand. Where does the time go?”
The group all laughed and patted each other on the back, remembering their famous out-of-control afterparties.
“I have a new plan,” Felix continued. “Instead of three months, Bulletproof is going to take a one-year sabbatical.”
At first the idea sounded like a dream come true, but Brandon began to worry about time away from the fans. He didn’t want to step out of the limelight – not for one second. Another band could sweep in and knock Bulletproof out of that number one slot that he coveted so much. Plus, he’d been the reining heavy metal rock god since Bulletproof first made it big. That was his title, and he had no intention of giving it up. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, Felix? You always said we stayed at the top of the charts because we were always in the public eye. I don’t want our ratings to slip.”